Orthodox Education and Evangelism in a Post-Christian Landscape

Posts by Maximus Cannaverde:

The Horror of Modernity: Reform, Revolution, and the Ouroboric Nature of Progress (Part 2)

In the first part, we grounded reform in the Judeo-Christian conception of linear time that would climax in the Eschaton. History was a movement towards its fulfillment, its telos. The Reformation and the Age of Reason not only challenged institutional hierarchies but also flattened hierarchies of time and being resulting […]

The Horror of Modernity: Reform, Revolution, and the Ouroboric Nature of Progress (Part I)

The myth of modernity coheres the seemingly disparate threads of reality into some semblance of a systematic whole. It propels the modern imaginary into the unknown, to boldly go where no man has gone before. The desire to solve the unifying theory of the universe, or to reach back in […]

How We Got Here: The Rising Sun of Modernity

I encourage you to read the first part in this series. If that is too much like reading an introduction or preface to the main body of a book, then a summary is in order. Previously, we discussed briefly how  the Black Death, Copernican Revolution, and nominalism contributed to the […]