Orthodox Education and Evangelism in a Post-Christian Landscape

How We Got Here: The Rising Sun of Modernity

I encourage you to read the first part in this series. If that is too much like reading an introduction or preface to the main body of a book, then a summary is in order. Previously, we discussed briefly how  the Black Death, Copernican Revolution, and nominalism contributed to the […]

How We Got Here: The Twilight of Christendom

In order to understand how we got to this point in the history of ideas, one must first discard the notion that humankind has always thought the same. Yes, instinctually–one can say man’s fallen nature is synonymous with what is often called “instinct,” namely the base, animal nature of man–human […]

Story: Prose, Poetry and Polyphony (Part 3)

Christ is Risen! In the opening chapter of Surprised by Joy C.S. Lewis reminisces about the formative days of his childhood. Elatedly he shares the immense joy he felt while delving into the inexhaustible collection of books that filled the shelves of his home. He was not just a mere […]

The Mystical Body: More on Circles and Mountains

If you have not done so already, I recommend reading the previous two posts. Here and here. Levels of Being Reality is structured as multiple levels of being, or one can say, the cosmos is structured as multiple levels or reality. Each level can be seen as a reflection of […]